Title: Welcome Back Fandom: Torchwood Pairing: Jack/Ianto Rating: PG-13 Wordcount: 956 Spoilers: "Exit Wounds" A/N: This was supposed to be a bit of Jack-centric angst; they ended up having sex in a bathtub instead. "Exit Wounds" tag.
The bit with the hand was supposed to be part of a longer fic I was going to write (Jack's POV in the whole "buried alive" thing) that I abandoned...I mostly wrote this so I could have an excuse to work that in somewhere. Glad you liked it :)
It should worry me, the amount of thought you’ve clearly put into the logistics of Jack being buried alive, but strangely it doesn’t. I’m not sure which of us that says more about.
It's just such a fascinating concept (the whole being buried alive for thousands of years and surviving thing)...for me, at least; I'm a little masochistic (pain=fun, in small doses at least), and sort of anti-claustrophobic (I love enclosed spaces, am occasionally terrified by having too much open space around me), so, yeah - I've done rather a lot of thinking about what Jack would have gone through, and how he would have reacted to it.
I think this might be my favorite as well. I love Ianto kissing his hand better (that whole growing through the rock thing is a bit horrible) and then the tub...*sigh*
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