So. I basically have my entire life for the next two years planned out. And it looks something like this:
Arabic + French + Linguistics + IS=135 hours
26 more classes
GRADUATION: Spring 2011
GEC Classes:
Linguistics 367
Arabic 611 History of the Arabic Language
Math 150 Precal
Linguistics 286
Arabic 101
Arabic 102
Arabic 103
Arabic 104
Natural Sciences
Biology 101 (L)
Anthropology 200
Astronomy 294A (Black holes)
Social Sciences
Linguistics 170
International Studies 250 (Winter Only)
Arabic 371 (Counts toward major)
Visual/Performing Arts
Russian 360 (Winter Only)
Additional Breadth
Anthropology 201
NELC 351 Intro to Islam
Historical Studies
History 111
History 527 History of Families
ARABIC MAJOR: (45 hours)
--Arabic 200.01
--Arabic 200.02
--Arabic 205
--Arabic 401
--Arabic 403
--Arabic 600+ x 3
--One course in an allied field (or in Arabic) selected in consultation with the faculty advisor.
FRENCH MAJOR: (45 hours)
--French 201
--French 401
--French 403
--French 601
--French 402: Conversation
--French 404: Pronunciation
--French 406: Business Conversation
Choose two:
--French 603: Adv Spoken and Written
--French 604: Adv Pronunciation, Styles & Accents
--French 657.02: Literature from N. Africa
--French 702: Adv Translation & Comparative Stylistics
Extra-Departmental Courses:
--IS 250
--NELC 351
IS MINOR: (25 hours)
--IS 250
--History 541.02: history of Islamic Africa
--Human Development & Family Science 597.02: International Family Issues in Sub-Saharan Africa
--IS 615: Children & War
--IS 670: Rebuilding Failed & Weak States
--Ling 201
--Ling 502: Syntax
--Ling 301
--Ling 286
--Ling 367
Spring 09--4 classes
Fall 09--4 classes
Winter 10--4 classes
Spring 10--4 classes
Fall 10--4 classes
Winter 11--4 classes
Spring 11--2 classes
= 26 classes = 130 more credit hours.