Jun 22, 2008 16:33

Ok! Things are wearable!!!

As you see, the patches and pips are on the shirt, lookin spiffy!

Pants.... well, all they really needed was a hem, and theyre ready to go...

I have the parts for one of those nylon web belts with the fastex fastener coming, i couldnt find the 1.5 inch webbing here in town, so Sammy is gonna send it from NYC. That's when i will mess with the belt loops. Galactica Pants have 3 big ass belt loops, 2 on the front, 1 on the back, but i want to get the hardware for the belt first so i can be sure i can thread the damn thing before i do anything with that.

That said, i COULD wear the thing to CONvergence as is.

I am running down some dogtags. The character ones are probably what im gonna end up with, because they're cheaper, and I have zip for tools to fabricate my own.

Now... a couple more pics of how Dashing i look!

Lt. Dmann reporting for duty!

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