A voice calls out from the fog in Dan's head...

Apr 21, 2002 14:07

No...not a cloud of pot smoke although yesterday was 4-20 and all....

Somethin' else...

I hate not bein' able to explain' what's goin' on in my head...y'all would dig it...but I can't explain it to you without losin' most of it...

The abridged version:I experienced really nice stuff.

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Comments 3

gatheringgloom April 21 2002, 13:00:53 UTC
*cough* pot smoke? *cough* no pot smokers around here.


Re: dmd2k April 22 2002, 10:11:46 UTC
nope...none of us....oops...I mean those 'round here...


gatheringgloom April 24 2002, 21:04:02 UTC
of course not. we're responsible people.


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