Title: Draco’s secret
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Mentions of character death, of dubcon, and of torture
Summary: Nineteen years later, Draco tries to put things right.
Notes: What I said I was willing to write and what
serpenscript requested were somewhat at odds (see End Notes), so this is my attempt to reconcile the seemingly
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Comments 8
Although, you kind of gave yourself away, I think ;P
I completely agree with the comment above about keeping Time Turner consistent, and I especially liked all the differences between Draco in the past and this one...
Ok, now to the actual comments! This was a very lovely read, and was lovely, dark, and angsty while skirting around the things you don't like, 'mystery' author XD
I can't imagine calculating how many turns it would have taken - anything with numbers makes my mind boggle (no doubt Arithmancy would have had me in tears). The moral dilemma Draco has, and the changes he makes, and the paradoxes, and his double life, and other!Draco - oh, it makes my head hurt to contemplate, but it was really quite fun to read. And the tucked in bits of wry humor - Draco's line about his hand was priceless! Thank you!
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