(no subject)

Sep 07, 2005 17:00

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Post your results.
1) Is bumbly_rainbow introverted or extroverted? extroverted
2) Would you ever date ebdawg02? no
3) Is idontwantubac in a relationship? i dont think so
4) Does heavenbond do drugs? no.
5) What word best describes _glam0rous_? idk
6) Does justforthought go to your school? idk
7) Does kimipoo18 know lilbabiprincss? no
8) Do you have urlilangel16x's screenname? urlilangel16x
9) If _glam0rous_ and rainman05 were spliced together, what would it be like? i dont know
10) _________adverb's hair color? drk brown.
11) If heffertwig and wkcaptains22 were siamese twins, where would they be joined? no. that'd be funny tho
12) Does bigpole_man have a crush on heatherpalu? no
13) Where would xkissmeinrainx most like to visit? idk
14) When did you last call sweetchick05? never have
15) What would urlilangel16x do differently in your shoes? idk. ask her
16) How many monkeys could ___youdestroyme fight at once and win against? oh a ton.?!?
17) Is sweetypy2005 a college student? yes.
18) Would you wrestle catintheengine in jello? no.
19) Has bumbly_rainbow dyed their hair? no
20) Which of your friends should magret go out with? um. idk.
21) What is lyndse34's favorite food? i dont know
22) What mental disorder does ashiekins1 remind you of? lol ADHD!
23) What do you agree with xbattmanx about? fl. is fun
24) Would druid451 and squeakums look good together? sure
25) What animal does heavenbond remind you of? a tiger...grr!
26) Where was xkissmeinrainx born? pontiac?
27) Does flirtnromance have a big secret? yes. lol.
28) Is failurby_design athletic? not really
29) What planet should tabberzz be from? this planet.
30) If titsling88 and iluv2snowboard were spliced together, what would be its name? tabegan
31) Are wkcaptains22 and squeakums going out? no
32) What is kaiterz04 allergic to? i dont know
33) If bigpole_man was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? me hahahaha jk
34) What would heavenbond give star34679 for his/her birthday? um. clothes.
35) Thoughts on squeakums? i dont know
36) Do titsling88 and queenbitch16 go to the same school? yes
37) If strwbryshrtcke5 took over the world, who would be happy? me lol. idk
38) Does squeakums smoke? i dont think so
39) One quality you find attractive in vans_boarder17? everything
40) What would you do if you found out wkcaptains22 has a crush on you? nothing. he's friends with my boyfriend
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