September Voting

Sep 18, 2016 12:27

Voting Time!

Mod Note: For the first time that I can remember, we only had two drabbles submitted for this month's challenge. I appreciate the authors who submitted drabbles, and so I am running the voting, but with amended rules, below. Only a winner and second place will be awarded. Mod's choice and third (obviously) will be suspended for this month.

Voting rules:
1. Do not vote for yourself, and do not ask others to vote for you.
2. If you participated in the challenge this month, then you should not vote in this challenge! If you do not have an LJ account, please comment with your vote so that it will be counted. Failure to vote will result in me not counting the votes for your drabble.
3. Vote for one MOST and one SECOND favourite drabble. Votes for multiple drabbles in any category, or failure to fill out a vote for both will result in a disqualified vote.
4. Please vote for the NUMBER, not the title, of each drabble. (Voting for a drabble by title AND number is acceptable; voting for the title only is not and I WILL NOT count votes that are done by title only.)
5. Remember the prompt for this month while voting- banter.
6. Voting closes 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Wednesday, September 21st.

Results will be posted next week!

Author: ningloreth
Title: Draco's Skill Set
Rating: R
Warnings: None

“What d’they want this month?” asked Draco.

Hermione checked her charmed iPad. “Banter,” she said.

“Banter? What d’they think I am? A comic character?”

“Witty,” Hermione replied. “They think you’re witty. And a sex god. And” - she pressed her hand to her heart, sighing - “tragically misunderstood.”

“Witty...” said Draco. He thought for a moment, opened his mouth to speak, frowned, and closed it again. Twice.

“What’s the matter?” said Hermione. “You look like a dying fish.”

“My mind’s gone blank.”

“Awww.” She patted his arm. “It’s alright, Draco. You can still be tragically misunderstood. And” - she winked - “a sex god.”

Author: hiddenhibernian
Title: Letters From the North Sea
Rating: PG
Warnings: None

“Keep it down, Granger - are you strangling a hippopotamus in there?”

“I have a cold,” she replied with dignity.

“Well, some of us like to sleep occasionally. If you don't mind.”

“You're one to talk, Malfoy - last week I thought they'd put a troll in the cell with you. Where do you think I got the cold from?”

“So now it's my fault?”

They kept talking through the long, bitter night. Talking kept them awake, and staying awake meant staying alive, albeit with clattering teeth and frostbitten limbs. In Azkaban, silence meant death.

Poll September Voting

dmhgchallenge has some amazing drabbles this month.
Click on the banner to vote for your favourite!
has some amazing drabbles this month.
Click on the banner to vote for your favourite!

{voting}, 2016 - september

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