Oy! It's good to be back online. It felt like ages since I have had a chance to do so.
Crossposted from my IJ:
Oh yeah! I like free stuff! Who doesn't?
Of course I like free stuff. I like it when it doesn't have any attachments involved or isn't some shoddy attempt at smoothing things over after all hell breaks loose. No, I like free stuff as much as the next shameless moocher person, but not when
I am clued in that LJ's V-Gifts are probably stealing info about me.
Yeah. That's not cool.
So I scraped getting a 'gift' for myself and did the sensible thing that I definitely wasn't alone in doing. I
gave it back to LJ, because, quite frankly, they can kiss my behind at this point.
gothatheartholo and I were chatting on LJ about how this whole thing could so easily have affected other fandoms/communities. LJ could have just as easily interpreted some other law and decided that entries about puppies were a bannable offense. Now, this is certainly a stretch being made, but you know what I mean.
Anyway, I suggest that you skip the V-Gifts program, as there's just no telling just how much of your personal information is being gathered from them. But then again, this could be said for many things on the Internet, even this very entry. I don't go around studying LJ's source code and what have you, so there's no telling what they've got spying on its users on any given page.
Just browse with caution is what always say. And that goes for any site, even Danielle's.
Anyway, I was out and about browsing the site (with caution!) and I saw that a few of the most vocal people had their accounts suspended. Oh, their comments were still there, but they had been bolded into oblivion. See, this is what I said before about being worried that one'll be suspended just for acting against the site in a big way. This isn't to say that the persons in question didn't do something troll-ish, thus becoming bannable, but I just find it mighty suspicious that at least one of the most outspoken/active people to seek legal help is now suddenly gone. Hrmm.
Still haven't gotten around to saving my LJ info properly, but then I never have the proper amout of time that it'll take. I am hoping to get everything packed up and moved to IJ, because I definitely want that to be my new home. I can just go over there and have all of my babies.
All right, I am supposed to be wrapping things up so that I can go have pizza with Chris. See ya'!
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Hopefully. . .