Jul 22, 2007 14:44

Hello, chitlins. Wata-mun (better known as Li-mun!) here and I come bearing a BRILLIANT IDEA. It is not my Brilliant Idea (actually it is Lieke's!), but I was asked to be the one to post about it here. So, yeah!

OKAY, OKAY. Here it is: We think it would be cool if everyone made IC voice posts of their pups telling scary stories. You know, like around a campfire. Like in chapter 4 of XXXHolic! (Yep, that's our inspiration. What were you expecting?)

Now, it can be a story that you wrote yourself or that you found somewhere, doesn't matter. It doesn't even have to be very good, if your pup is the sort who sucks at telling scary stories. Hell, your voice doesn't even have to sound like that of your pup (I know mine doesn't) - what's important is your ability to slip into character in front of a microphone.

So, yeah. And then, once you've made the aforementioned voice post, just post a link to it here? :D? So that people can listen to your beautiful voice? :D? :D?

Um. So, I'm sure that I did a craptacular job of explaining that. Feel free to ask questions, and I will flail at you in a confused manner until you are satisfied. I mean, answer them. Also, I wish I had my own voice posts up as examples, but I don't yet. You'll just have to strike it out on your own like pioneers. Sorry! ^^;

general question, plot info

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