Game Marathon Update.

Oct 01, 2008 04:30

Well, a Month in, and things aren't looking that sweet. One game has been set aside, Two have Been abandoned, and a few are in Progress. Here's the Standings.

MISSION START: 8/23/08 6:00 PM
CURRENT DATE: 10/01/08 4:30AM
Game (Platform) - Status
FF3 (DS) - Postponed
FF4 (DS) - Untouched
FF5 (GBA) - In Progress
FF6 (GBA) - Untouched
FF7 (PSX) - Untouched
FF9 (PSX) - Untouched
FFX-2 (PS2) - Untouched
FF12 (PS2) - Untouched
FF Tactics (PSX) - Untouched
Suikoden II (PSX) - Untouched
Bioshock (360) - Untouched
Halo 3 (360) - Untouched
Crackdown (360) - In Progress
Resident Evil 4 (Wii) - Abandoned
Persona 3:FES (PS2) - Untouched
Okami (PS2) - In Progress
Disgaea 2 (PS2) - Untouched
Soul Nomad (PS2) - Abandoned
Shadow Hearts (PS2) - Untouched
SH: Covenant (PS2) - Untouched

Detailed Update:
FF3: Haven't touched since I set it aside for 5.
FF5: Loving game, obsessed with Mastering Jobs. Haven't left first world yet because I found a Place to get lots of Job Points with Little EXP and am now powerleveling my shameless tail off.
CRACKDOWN: Not touched since the Xbox was taken from my room. (In their defense, it's THEIR system, not mine. So it's their call.)
RESIDENT EVILl 4: I don't remember this game being so damn hard. I even have a Cracked file I've been using for learning the ins and outs. It starts me with tons of Handgun Ammo and Maxed Cash. However, health is normal and I am still getting my ass handed to me with such frequency it makes me wish Nerf made Wii-Motes. My aim is great and no bullet seems wasted and still, Fair File or Cracked File, I am getting jerked around, and not in the way one would like. So screw it.
OKAMI: 12/13 Hours in. Sometimes the art Style hurts my Eyes. Issun and Susano are pains in the tailside, but I'm still enjoying the game. The entity I THOUGHT was the Ultimate Evil has been dispatched, but there's more. To me the game feels only a third done. Onward, I guess!
SOUL NOMAD AND THE WORLD EATERS: Cutscenes hard to listen to. Worst Job System of all Nippon Ichi's games. Summoning extra squads on the field costs money, what a horrid idea. And the action itself is a snore. I'm giving this a miss. Off the list.

More as events warrant.

Oh yeah, I'm jobhunting again. Kinda scared to have good feelings about a job. Look where they got me...
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