Name: Tsuki
Age: 16
Height: 5’ 6” (I’m kind of guessing here)
Personality: Um. I’m lazy. Plain and simple. I absolutely love to have fun, and despise laying around doing nothing. However, I dislike spending ungodly amounts of time with people, especially people I don’t know very well. It’s really easy to annoy me, but it’s really easy to pacify me as well. I’m really loyal to my friends, but it takes a long time for me to make friends, seeing as I don’t trust people that easily. To clarify, I don’t have that whole “OMG! People will hurt me if I let them get too close” emo thing going on, I just have issues with trusting new people. However, I’m farily friendly to people when I first meet them. I’m horribly judgemental, but on the flip side, I’m almost always right about my first impression about a person. I have a big ego, but to counter-balance that I have low self-esteem. Part of this low self-esteem causes me to worry about people hating me and leaving me for some one who is more interesting, nice, smart, the list goes on but I’m pretty sure that you want to move on to the next point.
Strengths: Intelligence, but not the logical kind; more the kind that means that I know what to do with a situation. I can usually keep my emotions out of a decision I have to make, though I’m better at helping people make decisions than making decisions myself. I’m good at getting people to believe me and I’m amazing and pretending like I know what I’m doing when I really don’t. I’m good at languages, and I can hear through accents quite easily.
Weaknesses: I. Am. A. Drama queen. I tend to spazz in situations like woah. And, as mentioned above, I have no self-esteem, which leads me to obsess over flaws, which distracts me from other things. I’m usually kind of rude to people I don’t like. Also, I have the attention span of a gnat. And on top of that I procrastinate things, especially things that I don’t want to do, like call people. Seriously, calling people gives me issues, because they sometimes they’re not home, or they’re busy and you feel bad for interrupting them, or they’re all like “what do you want?” and you’re llike “um, um…” and you can’t remember why you called, and…. Um, shutting up now!
Bad Habits: Obsessing over random things, figeting, procrastination.
Likes: Books, scarcasm, magnets, foxes, anime, Japan, history, language, culture, Halloween, Chirstmas, Nightmare Before Christmas, Tim Burton, Pirates movies I, II, and III, Helena Bonham Carter (fav actress), Garth Nix books, musicals, music in general
Dislikes: Spiders, incencts, people who are uppity, people who treat me like I’m four, stupid people. Now, I don't mean “stupid people” to mean “people who aren’t good at school” or something like that, I use the term to describe people who don’t think for themselves. They do whatever they’re told without any throught process what so ever. For ease and convenience I usually classify some one as “stupid” if they can’t keep up an intelligent conversation with me. However, I don’t hold these people in contempt like I do the previous stupid people.
Hobbies: Writing, reading, singing, video games, talking with friends, taking walks
Talents: Writing, singing… that’s pretty much it I guess.
Interests: My hobbies, of course, as well as foxes, mythology, books, art, socialogy, psychology, literature, language, ancient civilizations.
Favourite character: I like L. He’s serious and playful at the same time, and humorous as well. Plus, the way he sits is really cool. ^.^;
Least favourite character: Um… I don't think I really have one.
Would you use the Death Note?: Probably not. I don’t like this whole “You can neither go to heaven nor hell” thing. Plus, I can’t think of why I’d want to. There are people that I don’t like, but I know that if I kill them I’ll set off a lot of grief for their friends and family and that’s something I could never do.
Who would you use it on, and why?: Please see the above answer.
Do you support Kira?: Kira is a lot like communism. Really, he is. See, Kira’s core ideas are good, and the plan of Kira looks really good on paper, but in practice it doesn’t work all that well. Oh, right, I’m supposed to say whether or not I support him… I have to say no. Like I siad, the whole Kira thing really doesn't work in practice at all.
Anything else you'd like to add?: Um… People who use the interent to try and garner pity from other people bug me. And I just realized that I’m very tangent-happy. ^.^;;
Yeah, this is the best I can do. It's a picture a friend of mine drew of me.
My five votes!: