Name: Allie
Age: 15 and one half. (Yeah. That half’s important.)
Height: 5’8” (Yup, I’m tall-and still growing, bitch.)
Personality: I’m laid-back times twenty. Seriously. I don’t hate anyone, and no one hates me-I don’t see any point in it. Sure, I dislike people-or, rather, I dislike things about people-but I don’t do anything about it. If they leave me alone, I’ll leave them alone-simple as that. I do any and all disliking within my own brain, thank you very much. When my friends get in fights, or talk about how much ‘OMG I hate So-and-so’ I never really take it seriously, because really, there’s no point in that kind of thing. Settle your differences, or, better yet, keep them to yourselves and just deal with it, and be done with it. Don’t make a big deal about it-dramatics just make you seem stupid and self-centered.
On that note, I’m an emotional person-but I hardly ever express any of my negative emotions. If I’m sad, I don’t show it. If I’m angry, I don’t show it. I have this one friend, who I’ve known pretty much forever, and if she’s either of the above, everyone knows about it, and is expected to feel sorry for her, or sympathize with her; I’m completely the opposite of that. I ball it all up inside myself, and hide away those kind of feelings. The downside to this is that, after a while, they tend to build up-and once in a while, they just explode at the most random of times-for example: I’ll either start bawling, or completely blow up at someone for something stupid-and they’ll be completely surprised, because normally, I’m such an uncaring person. I hate when I do that-I feel like a total idiot afterwards. Thankfully it doesn’t happen very often, though.
However, despite my laid-back-ness, I hardly soften myself for others. I’m a pretty blunt person-if you ask my opinion, I’ll tell you my opinion, no matter if it’s what you want to hear or not. People normally don’t hold it against me, though, because they know there’s no malicious intent behind anything I say. (Usually.) And most of the time, there isn’t-unless you’re really, really stupid. Then I can get kind of condescending, but if you’re the level of stupid I’m visualizing (and not many people are), those kind of comments just sail right over your head-so you don’t think any less of me, anyway, because you didn’t even understand the insult, and I get a good inner laugh at your expense.
Strengths: I can go days without eating, and not be hungry? Haha. I guess my ‘impassiveness’ could also be considered a strength? I’m also pretty smart-smart enough to get into and survive the heavy workload of my ‘elite’ private high school, at least-though I’m well aware I’m not the smartest. I know I could improve, however, if I just applied myself more-but for whatever reason, I just don’t bother.
Also, it’s pretty damn hard to offend me; insult me all you like. I don’t give a shit what you think about me. And honestly, I won’t even hold a grudge against you for insulting me, either. You’re entitled to your own opinions, after all. If they include disliking me, or something about me, there’s really not much I can do about that.
Weaknesses: I tend to second-guess myself. A lot. I’m also a total worrier-even when I know something’s beyond my control, I still worry about it. Thing is, I don’t let anyone know that something is worrying me, so it’s even worse. I guess I kind of just have that habit of keeping things like that to myself. I don’t want to seem like I’m weak.
(And this has nothing to do with this, but I just spelled ‘habit’ as ‘habbit’ because I suck at spelling-ha! Another weakness!-and my spell-check gave me ‘hobbit’ as an alternative word. That just freaking made my day.)
I’m also a total procrastinator. Anything I can put off until the last second, I will-I’ve written five-page essays the morning they are due. I guess that means I’m kind of lazy.
Oh, and I get pissed off pretty easily-not by people, but by things, in general. I don’t get angry, per se-I just get irritated. And even then, I only show my irritation around a select few of my closest friends-if I show it at all.
Bad Habits: See weaknesses. Those are all bad habits, too, I think.
Oh, also; when I wash my hands, if I really like the scent of the soap, I’ll (as inconspicuously as possible) keep raising my hands to my nose to smell them, until the soap’s fragrance goes away.
…yeah, strange. I know.
Likes: Milk (I think I’d die if I ever became lactose intolerant. Seriously.), spicy foods (the hotter the better), drama, theatre, books, anime, manga, sour candy, bright colors, black, bright colors and black together, video games, traveling, English, anything mysterious, chocolate, my glasses, girls who are brave enough to have short hair, pretty pictures (whether they be drawn, painted, or photographed), real rock music (Aerosmith, Guns ‘n’ Roses, Queen, etc.), big dangly earrings, ‘costume’ jewelry in general, public speaking (I don’t get nervous at all), fashion (as in, like, runway stuff-not fucking Abercrombie kind of shit), psychology, and world history.
Dislikes: Soda (GROSS), math, science, narrow-minded people, Latin (why do I take that class?), stupid people, long hair (on me, at least), when people incorrectly use ‘etc.’ (I mean, what the fuck is ‘ect.’? It’s not ‘ec cetera,’ it’s ‘et cetera.’ Even if Latin kills, it’s worthwhile to know, so you won’t make a fool of yourself saying crap like that.), immaturity, and when people don’t take something I want to be taken seriously…seriously.
Hobbies: Reading, writing, acting, doing nothing with my friends (We sit around and don’t do anything. It’s loads of fun.), putting together interesting-and sometimes outrageous-outfits (and then wearing them), photography, computer-ing (which encompasses various things), video gaming.
Talents: I like to think I can act. I also like to think I can write. I also like to think I can be witty. (It’s a gift.)
Oh, and I can type 204010386972.5 bajillion words a minute.
…okay. Maybe not quite that many. But I swear, it’s close.
Interests: See likes. Otherwise, this would be really redundant.
Favourite character: Mello, no questions. He’s cocky, crazy, effeminate, he scares the shit out of guys twice his size, and yet he still has a massive inferiority complex. (Plus, he has killer fashion sense.)
Least favourite character: Takada Kiyomi. She’s smart enough to realize that Light is only using her, but continues to allow it to happen.
Would you use the Death Note?: I would try not to. I really would, because I don’t believe that I or anyone else should have the power to end another person’s life-but in the end, my beliefs would pale in comparison to my curiosity. So, in the end, yes. Yes I would. But only once, out of curiosity-I don’t think I’d use it again.
Who would you use it on, and why?: Truthfully, I don’t really know. When I first thought of this question, a few people came to mind-but honestly, I don’t think I could actually kill someone I know, unless I was just fed up with them, and did it out of spite in one of my few-and-far-between angry moments. Which just might happen, knowing me. But I would feel absolutely terrible about it afterward-and that’s an understatement.
Do you support Kira?: Nope. Of course, I realize where his ideals stem from, and I must admit, Light’s ambitions were noble in the beginning-but over time, he became corrupted, and really began concentrating on becoming the new world’s ‘God’ more than actually helping the world. His methods also weren’t the best-killing innocents doesn’t get you anywhere. (Though I’m being hypocritical here, I think, given my last few answers.)
Anything else you'd like to add?: This is kind of like a small essay. There’s kind of a lot to read here. Sorry, guys. (Not really. Haha. I had more fun than I should have writing this.)
Pictures: I can make damn good faces. Oh, and this was when my hair was still partially bright red. And this is me on Thanksgiving the other day. (My hair’s faded. Aww.) Too bad you can’t see the rest of my outfit-it was a good one.
My five votes!:
Unus: Duo: Tres: Quattuor: (^ counting in Latin, in case you didn’t pick that up. Too bad we didn’t need to have six-I know quite a few people would have clicked on that link.)