Name: Terah
Age: 17 (18 in two months :D)
Height: 5'5.
Personality: I live life one day at a time, live life to the fullest, take risks, etc. etc. You never know when something might happen to you, so why not, yeah? Um, I'm very passionate, opinionated, and open-minded. Not sure what else to say. D:
Strengths: I'm more mature than the average person, I guess. Intelligent to an extent. Good with computers. Strong opinions (this could be a weakness too, lol).
Weaknesses: When you first meet me, I'm freakishly shy. I have stage-fright. Bees terrify me as well as jumping spiders. Take things too seriously sometimes. I say I'm going to do something and then... don't.
Bad Habits: Biting fingernails down too much so that I get hangnails. :x I used to chew my hair. I'm also very messy.
Likes: Music, manga, anime, Japan, games, shopping when I have money, writing, reading (books), vampires, computers, fantasy, movies, tv, photography, art, Nikon, junk food, photoshop,, Chris Crocker, and many, many other things. Most important underlined.
Dislikes: Ignorance, cars, rap, r&b, homophobia, the importance placed on appearances, narcissism, science. Most disliked underlined.
Hobbies: Photography, listening to music, writing, reading, dancing by myself, playing games.
Talents: Photography, writing, tripping and falling flat on my face/ass, tripping up stairs. Headbanging. XD
Interests: See 'Likes'.
Favourite character: Matt! I can't even explain why I love him, I just know I do. Perhaps because he's so laid back and awesome. :D
Least favourite character: Matsuda. He's just annoying. =_=
Would you use the Death Note?: I'd be curious at first, try it once, then freak out and never use it again.
Who would you use it on, and why?: Several kids in my Web Design class. -cough-
Do you support Kira?: His reasoning for using the DN in the beginning is admirable, but later on he just gets creepy, so no. I don't support him.
Anything else you'd like to add?: Not at the moment.
My five votes!: