Well, this is a restamp attempt. I'm not offended, even a bit flattered, at being voted as Near, but I'm not sure he fits. So, I won't be upset if I'm Near'd again, but I'm curious. I hope this is okay?
Name: M
Age: 21
Height: 5'4" ish?
Personality: I have a very strange personality. I'm so splintered that in some ways I fragment myself. There's the outer me, who is bubbly and cheerful and YAY and always eager to chatter away about some intellectual topic. There's the "inner" me, who is broody and angry and hateful and judgemental. And then I suppose there's the innermost me, who's a bit of both. I am always thinking, always exploring possibilities. I live in my own little world in some ways, a world of discovery and pretend. I'm always making connections. But in the real world I'm reasonably responsible. I am a woman of my word, I try never to let down, and I often refuse to commit to things becuase when I commit to something, that's tantamount to a promise. I act a little cold and hands off, always willing to be the rational head for people to talk through their problems.. but I am affectionate and I'm very loving. There's nothing I wouldn't do for the people I care about. Including kick some ass. In fact, although I'm generally pacifist, I have a sort of killer instinct and I'll jump in to protect myself or anyone whom I either care about or who is defenseless. And when I'm defending myself, it's automatic. Ask my old roomate about the time she snuck up behind me and I nearly took her arm off. That aside, I tend to be a little lawful, even if I disagree with the law. I get super serious about issues that anger me, usually relating to other people's freedom, and I'll crusade for things I care about.
Strengths: I'm very smart, I'm a little funny (although often unintentional so), I'm highly creative, and I am always thinking. Think think think. I'm devoted and a woman of my word, but I'm rational and able to reconsider. I have a killer sense of smell and I'm great with writing.
Weaknesses: I'm alternatively arrogant and having issues with self-esteem. I'm usually depressed and always feel guilty and worthless. I live with my head in the clouds a bit. I overthink things and worry too much. I'm afraid of commitment. I can just fliip out randomly. I can't see very well and I'm way out of shape.
Bad Habits: Worry, worry, worry. Not cleaning up after myself. Chewing on my hands when I'm upset. Beating myself up over small things. Making weird noises at awkward silence. Talking AWAY TOO MUCH.
Likes: Science fiction, Doctor Who, Victorian horror, video games, RPGs, platformers, finding every plot token, icons with gooft text on them, blogging, mashed potatoes, meat, chocolate, freedom
Dislikes: Romance, mushy gushy stuff, games with zero plot, anything with zero plot, Nintendo Hard games, the nature of anonymity in the internet, disrespectful people, prejudice of any kind, cheese, milk, vegetables.
Hobbies: Writing, gaming, watching TV and movies, graphics, food tasting
Talents: Writing, gaming, rhetorical analysis of fiction, bending my elbow backwards, smelling things, taking multiplew choice tests. Yes, that is a talent. I got a 31 on my ACT despite not knowing a thing about Math. I am awesome.
Interests: Science fiction, feminism, politics, biology, pop culture studies
Favourite character: I'm a big Matsuda fan becuase, "Look at me I'm the dumb cheerful guy who sort of half supports the bad guy, but you indirectly hurt and directly mislead my mentor and I will PUMP YOU FULL OF LEAD!" But Rem is growing on me.
Least favourite character: I usually answer this with "Light" but then I remembered that Demegawa existed. Slimeball.
Would you use the Death Note?: Only to directly and immediately save lives.
Who would you use it on, and why?: Only people who were threatening others immediately and couldn't be stopped some other way. For example, like the hostage situation in which Light wrote the hostage-holder's name. I cheered at that. Or like, if I knew who Kira was but I couldn't prove it and there was another round of deaths going to happen the next day becuase he did them every day, I'd probably write his name in the notebook, and make it a confession-suicide. Because I'm a bastard like that.
Do you support Kira?: I'm against capital punishment. What does that tell you?
Anything else you'd like to add?: I love memes. And bananas?
Pictures!: LOL NO. But I did use my Sarah Jane Smith icon because I look just a teensy bit like her. Imagine Sarah Jane's hair color, Rose's hair texture, and Donna's face, and add some fat.
My five votes!: I've already been stamped, but here's what I've voted on since:
1. Louise (Mogi) 2. Angel (Light) 3. Wen (Matsuda) 4. Blake (Mikami) 5. Natalie (Rem)