-L-loyd likes pudding.

Oct 06, 2008 05:02

Name: Kate.
Age: Seventeen.
Height: 5'4" or so.
Personality: General laid back but overly temperamental when peeved. A uppity sometimes and... kinda cutesy I must confess. I like to pretend I'm an optimist but it doesn't work out all that well. Scary when crabby.
Strengths: My generosity knows no bounds when it comes to my friends, charismatic, good sense of humor, creative, good with kids for some reason, forgiving and forgetful, accepting of how people are, loyal and protective to those important to me, straightforward with my thoughts.
Weaknesses: I tend to 'steam roll' feelings... at least that's what my friend says. I'm over critical, easily jealous, temperamental, narcissistic, pushy and impatient, overly blunt, clumsy, a tad bit superficial.
Bad Habits: Bad habits... uh... I knead my feet... yes. I knead my flipping feet. And I like clicking my thumb nails together and nibbling on them, not bitting them off, just nibbling... ._.

Likes: Drawing, video games, Manga, Anime, color coordination, dancing, singing, reflecting on things, looking in the mirror, making music videos, music, hanging out with friends, the caps lock button, making people laugh.
Dislikes: Airplanes(vile, loud, large things), Bugs, most English dubs, being wet, water in general, curly hair, bad hair days, idiocy, people with god complexes, people who think they're better than everyone else, sexism, racism, getting older, bible-thumpers.
7.Fears: Bad hair days, going on an airplane, losing family members or friends.
Hobbies: Drawing, tennis, collecting things, sewing(I'm pretty bad at it, everything I sew falls to pieces, but I still like doing it. <<;) and youth organization activities.
Talents: Drawing, making music videos, making people laugh, charming, puppy dog pouts.
Interests: See likes. :l

Favourite character: Hm... Matsuda.
Least favourite character: Ehh... I guess I'll go with Ryuuk. YES PEOPLE, HE AND I JUST DON'T AGREE.
Would you use the Death Note?: I wouldn't. Criminal or not, killing people is wrong. It's up to the feds for that stuff anyway, yeah?
Who would you use it on, and why?: -Points upward-
Do you support Kira?: Nein. Nyet. Iya. No.

Anything else you'd like to add?: It is very early in the morning. And the computers' monitor rays are killing my eyes. Woo-hoo, bad eyesight.


My five votes!: (Unfortunately there are only two voteable candidates, however I'm quite diligent in voting in rating comms so it's nothing to worry about.)

stamped: misa

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