Name/Nickname: Keylah, or Shiro...or chiisuke.
Age: 15
Birthday: 6-19-90
Grade: 10
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Er...brown-black
Color: Blue
Food: Cantalope
Drink: Water
Animal: Fox or wolf
Holiday: Hm, Thanksgiving
School Subject:Biology
DNAngel Male Character: Huh, Satoshi i suppose
DNAngel Female Character: Rika
This or That
Dark or Daisuke: ...Can't pick! @.@
Satoshi or Krad: Satoshi
Riku or Risa: RIKU!
Leader or Follower: Follower generally, but leader if need be
Optimistic or Pessimstic: Eh, both. Sometimes i lean on pessimistic a bit more.
Please post at least one clear picture of yourself or describe yourself in detail!
Anything Else You Want to Say?: wear glasses! ...sometimes...^^;