Title: Scheme (Oh, aren’t I creative?)
Author: Syarri-kun
Rating: PG/PG-13 (For Krad-sama's dirty mind)
Challenge: White Day
Words: 100
Warning: Slight shounen-ai.
+Happy “Valentine’s Day”, Satoshi-sama.+ Krad murmured in his usual possessive tone as Satoshi blearily looked at the package next to him on the pillow. It was rather “valentine-y”, all red and pink and lacy.
=Whuzzat?= he asked hazily.
+Your present,+ Krad prompted.
=But you…don’ like holidays…right?=
+Of course.+
=Then why…?=
+I expect a present on St. White’s Day.+
Oh. Scheming bastard.
+Don’t forget.+ Krad purred wickedly.
“Hn,” the blunette muttered distantly.
Maniacal laughter followed him to school and Satoshi caught glimpses of what Krad wanted in return, which were quite enough to make him blush.
+I’ll be waiting.+