[as it frequently happens, Light was aiming for the kitchen, and got a totally different room instead.
this one isn't an unfamiliar one, though.
oh, no. when the door shuts behind him and he sees the chairs and refreshments-booth, he makes to groan and turn on his heel to leave. but, of course, it's not as simple as that. instead he finds himself drawing in a deep breath, taking a few steps forward, opening his mouth, and declaring:]
Hi, my name's Light and I'm half-convinced that every positive feeling I have is just a lie which I tell myself as part of my desperate quest to feel alive, real, and remotely similar to and thereby connected to other people. Furthermore, I sometimes believe that I'm ultimately too selfish to truly love anyone, and in the long run will only harm and disappoint those close to me.
[then he sits down in one of the chairs, and blinks. the room's influence lets go of him for the moment, and he realizes what he has just said, and stands there for a few seconds, looking mightily unimpressed.]
... oh. Brilliant.
[[OOC: Therapy room! Check the link to the old therapy-room post if you need any more details.]]