[STORY] Falling Snow

Feb 24, 2013 14:54

“Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love.”
- Hamlet, William Shakespeare

The snow is falling down, as I surrounded by cold. Since when winter has become this cold?
The warmth that I used to feel is now gone.
The red light has turned green, under the falling snow I take my step, a little step, a very little step.
On each step I take, I tried to recall the warmth that used to be with me....
Wondering where did it go, wondering whether it doing well or no. Has been human behave this way?
I, never thought she was this precious til she's gone.....

Time told me, it won't go back even just for a second, even if it could I'm sure she wouldn't wish for it,
as every single soul keep moving forward I become the one who left behind. I stopped my step while asking to this pitiful me,
"If I take a step forward, will I overcome the me who still clinging on the past?"

The light has turned back to red,
the sound of steel horse is creating a new melody.
Accepting, is the only way for me to be a grown up man.

"Forty thousand brothers could not, with all their quantity of love, make up my sum.”
- Hamlet, William Shakespeare

shakespeare, fiction

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