swim meet today. im not rly scared tho. im swimming with sum fast girls so they can pick up my slack. lol.
im scared of swim team initiation. i dnt noe what they r gonna do to us or whats gonna happen or nething. i hope its fun and not a totally bad experience. :/
i feel ...crampy! arg... sumtimes being a girl SUCKS! for this reason i dnt think im going to swim practice.i dnt wanna cramp up in the pool and die or nething. haha. that would b kinda funny as a headline
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omg... thank god the power came back on. Mason oaks didnt ahve power for 17 hours! thank you to whoever invented power. i would have written in it last night but i was way way way too tired. <3
im so bored! i rly wanna hang out with sum1 but no1 has called i guess because of the hurricane...*tear, tear*. im rly kinda scared of the hurricane tho.