
Post Trip Report - Day 5

Aug 22, 2009 10:16

LJ-Cut for those who don't care.

For me, the day started slow and it tapered off from there. Many of my housemates were raring to go and do the touristy things, but not me. My feet were still sore from the previous day's events, so I chose to stay put and relax at the house.

I wish I could say that everyone all had fine adventures on their own, but they ended up running into some unpleasant snags out there. One group managed to lose a prescription set of snorkeling goggles that had been rented. They didn't even get to use them either! They were getting prepared to go into the water, and a large wave came and smashed into their prep site. They thought they had grabbed everything, and they almost did. But the ocean now has its own snorkeling mask, and their group is out $200 to replace it.

The second group went snorkeling at another beach, and they ended up having a great time. Unfortunately, one of them failed to realize that she had been snorkeling with her cell phone in her pocket (which was on the whole time) for an hour. By the time she got back to the beach and realized what she had done, it was little more than a wet doorstop. Those keyboard cell phones don't like being immersed in salt water very much.

Myself, I decided to try and use the big screen TV here to watch a movie I had brought with me from home, and had yet to watch. I still haven't, as the multi DVD player here not only won't play it, it won't give it back! I spent about an hour futzing with the device, but to no avail. Vexing. I'm going to take another crack at it tomorrow once I go over the troubleshooting guide for said device (huzzah for the internet).

Later in the afternoon, one of my housemates decided to strike out on his own for some adventure. He had always wanted to go down and visit the waterfalls below the house, so he chose today to do so. To make sure he didn't get into some sort of trouble, he took both his cell phone and one of a set of CBs we had brought with us. My job was to keep my cell phone and a second CB on hand in case he needed to call for help. He had a great time going down there and brought back some great photos. He did not see any of the boars that we had been warned of, but he did see signs of their presence. He ended up hiking a fair distance over some pretty rough terrain, and by the time he had worked his way down the canyon and then back up the other side, he was pretty beat. So he called in for a pickup and we went and got him. When we picked him up, he was in good shape, save for the 100+ bug bites he ended up getting on his legs. I don't want to think about what condition he would have been in if he hadn't used bug spray on himself before going down there.

Eventually, we all trickled back to the house and started making cleanup arrangements for dinner. Everyone was meet at our house for food, and we had very tasty stir-fried chicken, rice and vegetables. It was at dinner that I learned that the bride's mother had gotten sick, so we made a care package to bring to her later that evening.

By the time dinner was over and everyone went home, it was around 10 PM, so I was pretty wiped out by then. Looking forward to a good night's sleep, as we've got a full day ahead of us tomorrow!


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