Title: Safe House
Pairing: Ron/Hermione
Rating: T
Summary: Missing moment from Deathly Hallows. Heart to Heart after Malfoy Manor.
How strange, she thought. How strange one’s own cries sounded when you were nothing but a distant onlooker from the sidelines. )
Comments 24
In that weird, post trauma state she was able to see so clear. They were like they always had been, like they always should be. He was Ron and she was Hermione and what was between them was infinite and vast and familiar and wondrous. In moments like now she felt it like magic, running through her so deliberately, so pure, so determined. She could channel it, procure it, govern it. Sometimes it took over the reins completely, compelling her to make a complete fool out of herself. Sometimes he drove her mad. Sometimes, she hated it for its chaotic nature. But amidst all that she had always known she loved him. At least it seemed that way.
She had just been waiting for him to notice.
That last bit I was the most unsure about cause I wasn't really aiming for epic!schmoopy but then while writing it I couldn't help it. For once in my life I want to write R/Hr banter but I can't write dialogue very well and it just sounds awkward.
I loved it. Amazing job.
The whole Malfoy Manor scene in general had me in tears--reading about the aftermath you've painted here's making me choke up all over again. It's so vivid and real, and I love the two of them in this. This is probably the best thing I've read in days.
*hugs this fic tightly*
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