In the last 24 Hours have you...
1. Had sex: My girlfriend's in the infirmary, what do you think?
2. Bought something: Hmm. Does anyone around here think we're running on a money-based economy? No? I didn't think so. I vote this question invalid.
3. Gotten sick: No
4. Sang: Probably, damned if I'd have to ask my coworkers, they're the ones that might've heard.
5. Been kissed: Damn, this girlfriend-in-the-infirmary thing kinda sucks.
6. Ate something: I do try to eat regularly, yes. Three meals a day does mean I last ate less than twenty-four hours ago.
7. Felt stupid: Well, I had a bit of trouble getting my door open until I realized I had to unlock it, um, yeah.
8. Talked to an ex: I haven't been in Atlantis long enough to have an ex here.
9. Missed someone: Laura...have I mentioned she's still in the infirmary?
Last person who....
1. Slept in your bed: Me. Last person who wasn't me who slept in the same bed I was in was Laura, but that was her bed, not mine.
2. Saw you cry: Laura.
3. Made you cry: Laura, by being injured and not being around.
4. Went to the movies with: God, I haven't been to the movies since I was on few friends that no one here will have heard of?
5. You went to the mall with: Same group of friends. Same day, even, I think.
6. Last person you talked to on the phone? My brother, the day before I left for Atlantis.
Have You Ever...
1. Said "I Love You" and meant it: Don't think so, no.
2. Got in a fight with your pet: Never had a pet, my brother was allergic and I never really settled in one place long enough once I was on my own.
3. Been to California: Yeah, when I was little.
4. Been to Mexico: No
6. Been to Canada: If Niagara Falls counts, yeah.
7. Been to Europe: Studied in France for a semester of college, yeah.
__________________________________________________ __
1. Do you have a crush on someone: Well, I'm seeing someone, does that count?
2. What book are you reading now: A book of Isaac Asimov's short stories.
3. Worst feeling in the world: Not knowing how you feel.
4. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Who needs a stuffed animal when you've got a girl like Laura?
5. What's under your bed: ...That's between me and Laura, and none of your business.
6. Favorite sport to watch: Does Ladies' Poker Night count as a sport?
7. Location: Atlantis
8. Piercing/Tattoos: Pierced ears.
10. Where do you want to get married: Married???? Can I at least have a chance to fall in love before I start thinking about marriage?
11. Who do you really hate: Stupid carnivorous plants that try to kill half the base.
12. Do you have a job: I think everyone here has a job.
13. Do you like being around people: Yes.
14. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with? Far too many times.
15. Have you ever cried? Of course.
16. Are you lonely right now: Yes.
18. Song that's stuck in your head a lot: "Oom Pah Pah", from Oliver!
19. Played strip poker: I believe I mentioned Ladies' Poker Night already?
20. Gotten beaten up: In second grade, for a while, but then my brother got to him - he never dared so much as look at me after.
21. Pulled an all-nighter: Um, I did graduate college. Of course I have.
22. Been on radio/TV: No.
23. Been in a mosh-pit: No.
24. Do you have any gay/lesbian friends: Well, yeah. Even not counting David and Major Lorne, there's Dr. Zelenka, Dr. McKay, Dr. Beckett and Colonel Sheppard...and Laura and me...and a bunch of my friends from college.