sweeney todd rehearsals galore. oh so fun but oh so exhausting. today was fun. and still is. ~*~lyk omg!~*~ my mom was extremely crazy after school. for no apparent reason, she was out to kill me. i survived though, OH I SURVIVED. hmm.. chillaxed with those kids. you know the ones. while they were looking at GHEY dnd books, i went to the next isle
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Comments 9
That's so true. I didn't think her voice could go any deeper. *fright and bewidlerment* AND omgliekyeahz I remember rehearsals. Those sons of beetches! Ohwell. I think you're doing very well and not going crazy... YET.
2.)SOFT-PORN? if a there's a book worth reading then it must be a book containing has characters that can take hard. make me nurvous to go to sleep at night.
3.)are you complaining about her adams coconut?
2. it took me a really long time to make sense out of that sentence.
3. i wasnt complaining, i was simply acknowledging its existence
Firebert... Terrible.
1.)"acknowledging its existence" understatement
2.)the very last thing i read was your subject.
hasn't louie given me enough(thoughitsjusthimwantingmimum)-no forgot cruel evolution created ways to comunicate with you from the (ex)comfort of my home
no worries. schiessekerl and i, we're linked mentally.
right there, her and i, right there.(i'mpointingatmyhead)
chika boom!
dont you just love it chikka boom
wa wa wa waaaaaaaa ahhhhhhh.
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