So. This aforementioned project. The one of great woe. That was due on friday for those who are following along. "was" being the operative word in that sentence because it is late. It continues to be late even to this very moment because certain paper-based articles remain in the state of "missing". I am approaching that delightfully strange area beyond rage and somewhere into the area of crazy. I am most likely prone to snap any day now and live out a long, healthy, crazy life in a sycamore, under the impression that I am some sort of squirrel.
Back to the realm of nontangental, this paperwork will probably remain missing for a while, all the while our marks drop away, like some sort of similie. My computer seems to have taken a liking to Word files, and my paperwork is all now very much gone.
Now I'm not entirely sure what the late penalty is for work, but I'm under the impression that you lose somewhere in the neighborhood of 10% per day it's late. Anyone want to support or deny this? Of course my genuine hope is that you'll deny it and contend that late fees actually come in the form of a prize.
Assuming that were the case, I am slotted for a very large prize.
And in other news,
running_forhome should probably
send me an email regarding this DVD that we have yet to produce.