Title: Unawares (1/?)
Author: Doctor Jane Smith
Rating: NC-17 (overall)
Characters: Gwen/Jack, Tosh/Owen, Owen/Doctor, Romana, Ianto
Series: Wisdom of Foolishness
Sequel to:
Missing In ActionWarnings: AU
Summary: Sometimes they come back.
Some people just can't stand to upgrade, Ianto said, nodding, then winced at his own words. )
Comments 5
Eep! Blackout at the Hub! That can't be good.
Y'know, you're making me feel bad for Owen not being on good terms with the Doctor. I can't believe I feel bad for a guy that's usually a Grade A jerk! *facepalm*
I do have a question about a word that might be missing. When the Doctor is talking about K-9 I think you meant to say that he made one for Romana instead of saying that he built one Romana.
Another great chapter! It was a nice treat to come back from vacation and find it waiting for me. :)
Please update soon!
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