Imagine if your peers were sitting next to you debating the philosophy
of animal cruelty vs animal rights as their very physical forms became
visual paradigms of academic failure. In an age where we claim to
learn from our past, we are but ants embracing our behavioralist
genetic memory. How can we in fact learn a lesson if the core of
our beliefs lie engrossed within moral absolutism?
It began with the question of whether or not concededly sentient and
highly intelligent whales should be hunted for food. The object
was to establish whether a line should be drawn across species or
within them where Human
rights can be assigned. My peers, my liberal open-minded
utilitarian peers, sought to wield the broad sword of science in the
name of animal rights. Speciesism could be clearly seen as
anthropocentric chauvinism waltzing with discrimination. These
Philosophers, Economists, Biologists, and Undecideds hand animals the
right to live and freedom from nature under the guise of equality born
from moral absolutism. Decisively and quickly, we found Japan's
and Norway's demand for cultural autonomy from our moral imperialism to
be null and void in the face of distribution of rights. And so, I
asked this question in response to experimentation on animals:
Well, isn't it true that we operate under a MO where our actions are in fact morally reprehensible yet still permissible?
No, we have and always will operate under the best of moral guidelines.
All of our actions are always supported by both science and morals.
We give aid to Blacks in Africa where they would have none.
The question of testing vaccines and chemicals on animals was raised once more. Africa and AIDS was raised as well.
Five seniors sat next to me and proceeded to explain how placebo tests
and dual-information theory justifies lying to an entire population of
Blacks infected with HIV. You can give them medication designed
to limit transmission. Yet, this medication comes with a
price. For it is morally acceptable to gather a group of Africans
and give only 1/4 of them the medication and the rest a placebo in
order to graph AIDS prevalence and distribution. They, IN FACT,
were volunteers and would never have gotten ANY medication to begin
with. Once all of the proper data is gathered, we can safely
leave with the future of AIDS written into our notebooks.
Knowledge needs no explanation; just as long as they said 'okay' then
they too need no explanation. Hope that they will be one of the
lucky ones is their explanation.
International Regulations state any firm can perform medical/drug tests
on a population so long as they aknowledge and distribute the standard
form of care common in test country. No one here in the United
States of America would subject themselves to radical drug testing of
any kind without full disclosure. As a result, firms crawl their
way to countries dying of disease and wave the flag of peace laced in
promises. This is our moral absolute; it is just if we can find a
Nazi Medical Professionals who performed varied horrific tests on Jews
are upheld by the moral premise of proper procedure. Human
life merely wasted for the profit of scientific procedure, a process
called morally right if carried out in a respectable fashion.
Respect, in this case, comes from the end; what if they found a
cure? In the name of Science...
FDA regulations are too strict here in the states.
We help Black people in Africa, without us they would be dead.
It is all to find a cure. It is better to lose a few and save millions.
They laugh at me for stating it is wrong to hide the truth.
Everyone knows the truth; it is for their own good. Moral
absolutism is inherited; we are fucking ants. In the name of
science they say. We are at the age where everyone can be fed by
soy bean crop, leaving animals free from slaughter. What we knew
in our bones three centuries ago is still the same today with the
exception we can finally carry it out.
Moral absolutism barks how the end never justifies the means yet
supports any lifestyle's means as justifiable. This justification
is soaked in the blood of those we sacrifice to improve the lives of
those privileged.
Then it struck me, science is a religion. No fact exists, no
procedure flawless, and certainly we worship a false God of truth
upheld by moral transitivity. Our academic education is the
cultivation of old behavior riddled in worship of religious
deities. In the name of God, it was once said. Today, our
lips repeat in the name of Science. If
human lives are harmed in the process, we will fix the problem by
stopping or rethinking our action and then pursuing a more just
cause. The concept of rethinking the cause, the moral absolute,
is never considered. After the fact moral absolutism guides our
actions and so our ideology becomes our policy. Science has
fallen prey to this form of dementia. Science is a
tool. It justifies nothing and commands no moral high
ground. It exists to give the sentient the capacity to
internalize anything. The most powerful tool in the world lays in
our hands and we are too worried about money and politics to use
it. Internalization of the AIDS epidemic, the effectiveness of
pills, and money towards its study would require just that, money and
time. There is no need, merely a fulfillment of behavior.
Evolution is a fact and yet for the sake of argument, I now stand firmly
against it. The Bible was written on paper but God cannot be
proven by such a fact. Science was written by evolution; science
is still a religion. It all boils down to the United States
teaching its citizens moral absolutism upheld by religion and
science. The broad sword is used not for protection but to defend
another weapon. Stephen King was right in his assessment of
science. Science will be the downfall of man, not because it is
evil but due to man's unwillingness to understand it. The result of such
a course of action is making null and void scientific facts. Evolution will
be a theory if we fail to understand why science evolved.
Lastly, using science and impeccable logic to justify action and reason
is replacing God with Science. Blind faith in logic is as flawed
as blind faith in any religion. It is a tool created by the hands
of man in order to better understand the world around him. Sadly,
we believe it to be the truth of the world around us. How can we
understand the world around us if we are incapable if internalizing it?