*throws Howard and Vince shaped confetti* to the gorgeous, clever, funny and all round shiny superstar that is justqueenie . Hope you have a good day today my darling - I also hope the package arrived intact! - and that you have a healthy and happy year ahead of you.
and this is going to be a very quick post seeing as best buddy has just arrived, but it's to let you all know that I am back online, albeit carfeully as I don't really know what I'm doing with this laptop yet...and will be back in the land of LJ just as ever soon as I can. Boyola, I've missed you all. There must be so much that's happened that I
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Bunny Alert! Bunny Alert! Now, personally, I blame this here picture from the wonderful, talented smut-fuelled people at Theban Band, but it would probably have happened anyway, given my fan-girl tendencies to squee over both David Tennant and John Barrowman...