In order that you may laugh (and in accident and emergency we laugh that we may not cry) I have a new list: funniest chief complaints! Matt, Cia, all other medical professionals, feel free to add on in the comments. Names redacted because HIPAA.
1. "It hurts when I fart."
2. "I had déja vu in the shower and got real nervous
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Comments 7
Haven't seen that one but I can well picture it
2. Classic Eiffel injury!
3. Paranoid schizophrenia + cocaine = ALWAYS BAD
4. I'm hardly in a position to dictate recreational drug use, but the worst that could happen with him toking on a spliff is a huge appetite for junk food and a desire to listen to his parents' old Moody Blues albums.
2. I LOVE getting these. I think I've gotten about five or six over the years. I really have to suppress my laughter when the woman says "That baby ain't mine!"
3. *facepalm* And they reproduced. That's the scary part.
4. Charming.
5. There are prostitutes who sell their colostomies to be used sexually. *offers you brain bleach*
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