A lot people are reporting the obviously partisan removal of political signs in MA with the upcoming election. I recall a lot of sign shenanigans around these parts in the 2008 elections. I'm curious about my readers and their general take on such things. So, a POLL
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Comments 14
Yeah, politics is really getting low around some of these parts. I don't know if it's nation-wide, but the apparent sense of entitlement to just mess up someone else's political expression around MA is stunning. Even around here, in the 2008 election we had "attack signs" - that is, signs of a candidate placed to utterly surround the opponent's.
What. A. Coincidence.
I did that in grad school, actually; someone put up a bunch of signs in the humanities building advertising the next meeting of the Young Socialists, so I printed up signs advertising the next meeting of the Objectivist club and taped them up right next to the socialist meeting signs.
1) If the sign I didn't like is on public property, I would certainly put up a sign of my preference, if it is legal to do so.
2) If the sign is on public property, but is posted in violation of relevant local election laws, I would report it to the local Board of Elections (who, of course, would do nothing) and the candidate's campaign office (who, of course, would also do nothing) - if it was still posted illegally after a few days, I'd pick it up and throw it away, since an illegally posted campaign sign is trash just as much as illegally posted advertising.
I had some trouble with your other questions as well. I'm probably a little more liberal than moderate overall (and definitely liberal on social issues). And I am registered Unenrolled but generally vote Democratic and identify with the Democratic Party; I am not, however, a "member", and have been known to vote for candidates for other parties. Dunno where that puts me in your poll.
I chose those categories because they are the ones the news tends to report, figuring some or many would elect to explain out of them.
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