May 06, 2012 21:42

I made this while trying to study for the SAT. Thought it might help others too. :)

Haughtiness (Hot people/HOTTIES are often fairly arrogant and prideful of their good looks)         arrogance; pride
Riddled (Politicians speak in Riddles. Usually because what they’re saying is full of holes. Or crap. It depends.)  full of (usually full of holes)
Abhor ( The doctor abhors violence - like Davros said)       hate
Bigot (Bigfoot is a Bigot - He hates everything but his kind, so he never shows his face)   narrow-minded, prejudiced person
Ephemeral (HA MEYRL. I’VE FINALLY BEAT YOU AT AN ARGUMENT. … *F, MERYL*. YOU SHOT ME. His victory is short lived)        short-lived
Counterfeit (Docs paper; Counterfeit money)           fake; false
Hamper (The hamper obstructs my way when it’s dark and I’m trying to move in my room)hinder; obstruct
Noxious (Lethal things are rather obNOXIOUS)      harmful; poisonous; lethal
Placid (You stay long at PLACid PLACes)  calm; peaceful
Remuneration (ReMUNERation MONEY) payment for work done
Abrasive (Nine’s rather aBRASHive, [Brash as in rough as well])   rough; coarse; harsh
Covert (COVERt COVERED, secret, Covert affairs)          hidden; undercover
Hangar (ClothEs on a hangEr, Airplanes on a hangAr)        storage area (like garage) for a plane
Knotty(kNOTeasY to solve)  complex; difficult to solve
Renown (REally kNOWN)    fame
Tangent (Tenth Doc likes Tangents - TENgent!)           going off the main subject

WELL. LJ says the post's too large.
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contains a few doctor who references, sat

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