- turn into an ostrich 01-11-07--01-14-07
- turn into Ash from Supernatural 01-26-07--01-28-07
- turn into Frau Totenkinder 03/27/07--xx-xx-07
- turn into a Chinese giant salamander :Db
- turn into a WALRUS (goo goo g'joob) 01-19-07--01-22-07
- turn into a fish
- turn into an invertebrate
Whistle Effects
- Dog whistle: turn into a dog if Shigure, Wanko, or Inugami is in sight
- Snake whistle: turn into a snake if Ayame, Crowley, or Snake is in sight
- Wallet whistle: money falls out if blown on a Friday
- Champe Élysées whistle: fills the mess hall with assorted French foods if blown on a French holiday
- Lip whistle (1): randomly cancels or enhances the effects of mistletoe during the holiday season for as long as the sound can be heard
- Lip whistle (2): during the rest of the year, turns people who've been mistletoed green and/or affectionate if they hear it
- Crab whistle (1): if it doesn't seem to be working, only Snake can hear it, like a dog whistle only BETTER
- Crab whistle (2): none (yet; come to Daddy, mood crabs, and we will make sweet sweet torment)
- Chicken whistle: none (yet)
- bring the Medical Hut back up to par
- father-son innadress-bonding with Ichigo
- innadress-bonding with anyone else he can get ahold of
- Kurosaki/Urameshi parent v. offspring SUPER-BATTLE
- team-up with Izumi to kick Elric+Mustang ass!
- establish the super-sparkly club for the camp parents' chillaxation
- begin Operation Emo Reduction
- invade Girls' Cabin 2 for great justice
- ttly cofound the Family Clinic-y place
- The Great Boxer Raid: A Test of Manliness
- set up a special wheelchair racetrack near the medical hut
- Kurosaki Family Monthly Barbecues!
- ...Kurosaki Family Onsen Trips
Feel free to offer further suggestions!