- OK, I’ve just done a shot of NyQuil, so the clock is now ticking to see if I can finish this post before passing out in an untimely yet merciful fashion. My sister’s children infected me with their pestilent KID GERMS and it’s been all I can do to peel myself out of the sofa for days. I’ve really wanted to be around, but I lack energy. One of
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Comments 11
HAHAHAHAHAHA oh my god. Now I can't stop thinking of him like, saying all that crap in Picard's voice.
Lovely picture. Rorschach looks freaking adorable sitting there with his hands on his lap.
And, grappling guns!
Hehe. Never draw grappling hooks. They are shapes which do not occur in nature.
The captain of the USS Enterprise
My god I would have died laughing if I'd heard that. XD The polywater intoxication suddenly made him feel the truth is something you should share with EVERYONE!
Beautiful picture! I agree with PN that Ror is just really cute like this. :o) Lovely lighting on the staircase, too.
BTW - if you're out of energy anyway, do you mind if I just quote the rest of your comments in my own at soong_brothers? I'm starting to suffer from a sense of urgency to get the whole comm-moving thing done... :o\
Oh, the whole "Enterprise" thing paints such outrageous pictures, no matter which captain/crew you imagine! That is DEFINITELY the lost-episode-that-never-happened-but-that-I-would-love-to-see for Picard!
Great! The comm'll be open again by the weekend! :o)
And I didn't even know you were participating, so the gift was such a surprise!
Yeah, THAT is an episode of Star Trek that I'd LOVE to see :D
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