Fourth Symptom [Some Backdated to Friday]

May 30, 2011 19:11

[A. House // Silly thoughts of small deeds; Everything that once answered to your needs]

[Locked to housemates; backdated]
[Business as usual, right? Except... not business as usual. Nusakan wakes to find himself free of his body again, the blue-tinged pallor relegated to pale, but pink... this makes three times he's been forced into this, and it's more than a mild irritation.

At least, he muses as he looks himself over in the mirror, the scars are gone again, too. Fingers drawing down his chest, absently, he shakes himself out of that reverie to finish dressing, then heads downstairs.

The mail reveals the source, and the letter details how to fix it. A killing game, eh? Well, he's not participated in one personally before, but there's a first time for everything. And if someone has his name, he's not going to take the risk of being killed without trouble.]

[B. Action // Thoughtless but kind, caring but blind, Everything fades away]

[At his work; Backdated]
[He may be lacking in regains, but he has a job to do.

... More precisely, he's a doctor. Arming himself is best done here, where he has a plethora of choices; scalpels, medicines, poisons... he'll be slightly dismissive, today, though perhaps you'll think that's simply him being cautious. After all, who knows who has his name?]

[C. Action // Everything fades away, come turning of the tide; for your love, I'm sorry; for your pain don't worry]

[Around town; Backdated]
[The doctor cuts a distinguished figure, on the street. His steps are light and his posture is straight - he looks perfectly relaxed. Those with the military training to notice, however, will find themselves fairly certain Nusakan is alert and aware, possibly on the lookout for an enemy.

He'll pause, now and again, pushing his glasses up and watching something - often a fight, breaking out in the streets, a bemused smile crossing his lips as he observes...]

[D. Action // Silhouettes, false leads; That which drew you like a crow to glass beads]

[Around town]
[Three days have passed since the start of all this; Saturday marked his first murder, the first regain... and now he has a new target. Nothing in this town is as simple as they lead one to believe... but this is fine. This gives him more subjects upon which to administer the art of fear, through which to observe his experiments.

Silence was less than happy with him, when he arrived and asked for help with the final few stitches in reattaching his arm. The doctor spoke no apologies, though, and scarcely pretended he was going to stop. As he walks, his steps more certain than before, his fingers absently run across the thick scar circling his right arm. He had been careless, but he still won, and now his body will provide a much greater challenge to his enemies. Will allow him to make his presence known, to offer a fair fight and to draw the fear directly through them, rather than being so carefully evasive.

And it will allow him, of course, to better protect the two people who mean more than "absolute nothing" to him.]

not quite the absent doctor, fragile unfragile, event: population control

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