Title: "Companionship"
Prompt: "We are all liars, because the truth of yesterday becomes a lie tomorrow." -- D.H. Lawrence
Character: The Tenth Doctor
Warnings: None
Pairings: None
Fandom: Doctor Who
Word count: 524
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The Doctor and all other mentioned characters are property of the BBC, and are used without permission.
It hit me first, seeing them all there, crowded around the TARDIS console like a family reunion. And what a family, wouldn't you say? Five normal humans-- as if such a thing as a 'normal human could exist, of course, with humans being so uniquely extraordinary, each and every one. One human from the future, dropped in the past, cursed and blessed with immortality. One human saturated with the knowledge and abilities of a Time Lord. A half Time Lord-half human impossibility of existence.
And me.
I love them. All of them, every one. They really are my family, in every way that counts. Through the years, they've given me strength and support. They've been my conscience and my guide, my sounding boards and assistants, my strong right arms and my shoulders to lean on. They've given more than I have ever had the right to ask, and they've all been unspeakably noble and honourable about it all.
There isn't a one of them I can think of without a smile and a tear, all rolled together.
My only hope is that they know it. That they understand what I feel for them, how much I do so dearly love them all. But I know that's not possible. I've seen it, felt it when our paths cross again and I see what's happened, what's changed and what hasn't.
Maybe they can't understand, not completely. There's room in my hearts for all of them, each of them completely and each of them uniquely, as singular a way as they are singular in the universe. Oh, they feel it while we're together, I know it. They love me and I love them back, and for that moment of time, everything is perfect.
And then I move on. The circumstances always change, but the story always ends the same: the Doctor moves on, the Companion stays behind.
Well, I know a lot of them would prefer I state that as "the Companion gets left behind", but let's not quibble.
I've met a few of them again, further down the road. It's not often pretty. Some feel betrayed, others abandoned. Almost all of them say the same thing: this life isn't enough anymore, not after you. How do you keep them down on the farm when they've seen the big city and all that. They think I stopped loving them, stopped wanting them around.
It's not true. I will always love them. Susan, Peri, Romana, Kameleon, Sarah Jane, Ace, Rose, Jack, Martha... all of them. For every way they were amazing, and in a thousand different ways.
When it's my choice, I leave not because they've left my hearts. It's because they've gotten too big for the TARDIS. They have fantastic lives to lead, and I can't stand in their way.
So when I said goodbye to them that day, I was really telling every one of them, "I love you".
Don't know if any of them will think I'm telling the truth. But I am.
I love you, my Chidren of Time. I love you, my wonderful Companions.
I love you, my family.
Goodbye again.