Title: "Never Stop"
Prompt: "I know well what I am fleeing from but not what I am in search of." ~Michel de Montaigne
Character: The Tenth Doctor
Warnings: None
Pairings: None
Fandom: Doctor Who
Word count: 401
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The Doctor and all other mentioned characters are property of the BBC, and are used without permission.
"I travel through time and space."
"He saves planets, rescues civilisations, defeats terrible creatures and runs a lot. Seriously, there's an outrageous amount of running involved."
Never really gave it a thought until Donna said it out loud, honestly. Though I suppose that somewhere in all that memory brought down to me through regenerations I must've somehow known, otherwise... well, who'd wear trainers with a suit, I ask you? Someone who plans on doing a good bit of running.
In fact, the same day that I picked out this look? Rose's mum Jackie suggested that I don't travel to learn or to find ways to help people, I go looking for trouble, and looked at me like I was off my trolley. Because, as she rightly thought, what kind of madman would go looking for trouble to get into?
My kind of madman, as it turns out. The kind of madman... which is me... look, you all understand what I'm saying, eh?
Trouble is where I belong. Oh, it's not the trouble itself that I'm after, although I've got to admit, it's a damn sight more exciting way to live than any other way in the universe, I'll tell you that. But where there's trouble, there's almost always someone who needs help.
There are a few constants in the universe. Entropy, for one. The inevitability of death, for another. The fact that British actors do American accents much better than American actors do British, as well. One that is of utmost importance to me is that at one point or another in your life, you're going to need help. And having that help could be the difference between sickness and health, richness or poorness, or life and death.
That's where I come running in.
And where I usually come running out, with something scary and odd rushing up behind me.
Important part is that the people who need help? They're well away. And that is the whole point, of all that running.
The Master said that when he gazed into the Untempered Schism as a boy, he heard the sound of drums; he said that he felt chosen to bring war and destruction upon the universe. All I could see and hear when it was my turn were all those souls, out in the universe. All those people to meet, all those people who needed help.
So I got just the briefest of looks... just a peek. And I turned around and ran-- ran as fast I could.
And I never did stop.