Jul 15, 2004 18:17
I'm going to be so fucked over.
Jul 14, 2004 15:19
Holy shit, my house is being renovated. Nobody told me people were coming to renovate my fucking house. Holy shit. Omg. I'm drunk heehehjeheheheheh, I want pot I havn't had any since new years eve. Oi!
I'm a retard.
Jul 14, 2004 13:28
I straigtened my hair (sort of) and now it smells like burnt toast.
Jul 13, 2004 21:13
Yay, starting tomorrow morning I get to be free of supervision in my house untill saturday night.
Jul 12, 2004 20:49
holy shit my ankle is fucked up, it all purple and swollen huge. I don't remember how i fucked it up so I probably did it when I was drunk.
Jul 12, 2004 20:34
Don't make fucking judgements about me and the people I associate with unless you witness it/them you fucking peice of shit. Don't give me anything of yours, I don't want it. I disown you.
Jul 11, 2004 19:34
Goddamn, I hate the sound that the ice cream truck makes when I'm trying to sleep and it's right outside my window.