I'm going to be building a Dalek! Yes, that's right, a real "sit inside" true to life "it lives" Dalek!
Of all the Dalek's I *think* I like the True Dalek Paradigm ones the best--it has that combination of old and new that is very appealing to me. The NDP ones are too hunchback, and the old ones seem...well, old! (no offence to anyone here who loves their old Daleks). Plus I have three kids and they love the TDP Daleks the best; and one doesn't argue with young Doctor Who fans LOL
Now, being an Aussie, my Dalek will be that lovely blue colouring of the strategist Dalek and will naturally be called Red (Fellow Aussies will get that). My woodworking skills aren't too bad, and I have worked in fibreglass before (mainly to repair things), so I'm pretty confident I can do the basics without too much bother (and there's always filler). Plus I've done plenty of plaster casting (for cosplay), so making moulds and plugs isn't an issue. However, my metalwork skills are...well, non existent, so yeah, we'll see how that goes when it comes time to do the gun and other metallic bits.
I would love to be able to feature this Dalek in the Australia Day parade on January 26th 2016...so that gives me about a year to get this completed :) Perhaps optimistic, but there you go...got to give it a red hot go. I will also be doing this in conjunction with a friend who is also making a Dalek (so hopefully there will be two Daleks for the parade). And two people working together will be more fun :)
For the here and now, I have been to the local hardware stores and gathered prices so I can roughly cost it all out. Of course, budget is always the first to go as enthusiasm overtakes reason and suddenly there will be an electric wheelchair in there along with camera's linked by wifi to an ipad like screen and fancy LED lighting effects. Again, we'll see how that all goes when I get to it. As my electronic skills are about as good as my metal working ones.
I will be using various sizes of MDF, but here are the costs of a couple of sizes I'll be getting.
Now, I know that castors with rubber tyres are the best, but deciding what would be more economical, buying single or buying a set of four with wooden pallet...decisions, decisions...
Anyway, that's it for now. I'm off to the hardware store to get some other bits and pieces to get me going and keep me inspired.