[Well hello there, boat! Malkus was previously shuffling around the luggage deck, looking for more doodads and whatchamacallits when all of a sudden BAM, Everything suddenly looks HUGE to the 3 1/2 foot tall five year old.
After fighting with his terrifyingly huge clothing, Malkus decides to do the normal toddler thing to do! Break down and cry!
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Hello, are you lost?
M-My hat...is too big...
And-...And I dunno wha- hah-haaaappened....
[Malkus curls up, trying to get as little as he can get.]
Parents around? Family? [Veld finds a little cap and offers it to Malkus.]
N-No...No-bawdy...I'm alone...
[He replaces his hats, finding that the little cap is just the right size.]
He fills with relief when he comes across someone who appears to have been shrunk down, like him. True, this person... bird... thing is still quite a bit bigger than him, but it's not as big, and that's enough for Purple to bank on.]
Hey, do you know what's going on here? Why are we small?
Unfortunately, Purple can easily see the little tykes back sticking out of the bag.]
Why're ya hiding?
[It may be a monster, but it has to be the cutest little monster anyone ever saw, if only Malkus would look at it. Purple reaches forward and pokes the bird-boy's back.]
I'm not nearly as scary as you are. Come out and talk to me.
D-Don't hu-hurt me...
[He peeks up, staring the little bug looking creature in the big purple eyes.]
Wh-...What do you wh-want...
Wanna go on an ADVENTURE?!
[Clue: Saying no will do absolutely nothing.]
[The little kid wiggles and squirms around in the bag, flailing his little arms over the side, trying to escape]
No adventers! no adventurs!
[Damn this little voice's pronounciation problems.]
An orphan, I take it? Did your parents... abandon you, little one?
[Because this, obviously, is the way to go about talking to a frightened child.]
Th-...N-No...They just...Aren't here...
[And then the thought pops into his tiny little mind...They're not here, so that MUST mean they left him...Oh god que more crying.
Malkus looks up at her-h-h-ohmygod HAVE SCARED CRYING NOW.]
It's all right, shhh, shhh, Lucy is here now.~
Why don't you come with me? We'll... get some cookies or some such.
[No Malkus no! Don't fall for the temptation of cookies! This lady wants to make off with you and...bake you! put you in a stew! He eeps at this thought!]
She decided it was about time to go and get a bit to eat and pauses as she leaves her room on Deck 12, most conveniently a short distance from the luggage pile. The sound of a sobbing child can be clearly heard a short distance away and she frowns, looking that way.
She turns on her heel and marches back that way, dressed in a pair of pink short shorts and a tight girl-tee and some fuzzy over-sized bunny slippers. She makes her way over and pauses as she comes across a very familiar looking, albeit tinier, version of a gentleman she's grown quite fond of in her limited time on board the Elegante.]
But still, he responds in his adorable tiny little voice.]
Miss Harween?
Her heart melts just to pieces at his tiny, childlike voice and she nods her head, pigtails bouncing.]
Ya betcha nose .. [She glances around the hall and then down at him, tucked into his doctor bag. She's not embarrassed, nor is she all that concerned about those around her.]
Well .. I ain't sayin' it ain't strange, but at least I found ya before ya got yerself hurt, ya know? From what I've been hearin' over the communicators, this kinda stuff doesn't last too long .. maybe a day or two..
I-I'm not aways like dis, I swear...
[The 5 year old in Malkus wants to dive at Harley and cling to her but the logical thinking Malkus does not wish to embarass himself further.
So all he does is give a little kid sniffle.]
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