I'm at Ameritas again, i got called to come in from 5-midnight. Nearing the end now, it's gone smoothly. Here are a few pictures I drew in paint that represent my job.
This is one of the few websites I can access here at Ameritas. I'm working midnight to 6am and I'm already bored. So yeah I'm posting on livejournal. I'm sure you're all partying tonight, have fun!
I woke up right at 6:30 from a dream. Something security related at a mall, I think. I'm sure this was still post-waking hallucination, but I heard this weird triple siren... brrriiiiibrriiiiibrrriiii. then a few seconds, and it went again. i'm not sure where it came from or what the hell it was, but i'm kind of freaked and now i'm on the computer.
there is no cold water in my bathroom. my kitchen faucet, yes. i sure would like to take a shower at some point so i can leave the house and apply for jobs.