
Jan 15, 2008 06:32

I'm sorry journal. I never post in you. I am too lazy or have better things to do. At least I think they are better. But you deserve an update for the new year, don't you?

Should I summarize for you journal, or do you want every detail? Should I start from where my last cryptic entry left off? Am I posting for you, for me, or for the small trickle of aquaintances that may read you? I'm not very sure.

Where I left off...I was bound for California. I was meeting an RP buddy and staying with her for a week. Her name is Sarah, but I call her Sari. I met her through Y! gallery, and she expressed an interest in RPing with me. I accepted, loving a good RP. It turns out she RPed with Kitty as well, so we grew close and chit chatted. Eventually I decided I wanted to finally get on a plane and go somewhere , so I decided to visit her. Plane rides aren't so bad, I learned. Long story short, with many of the details left out,(and trust me, there are many), I had lots of fun with Sari and plan on going back. She is fun to talk to and shares nearly all the same interests as I do.

We are going to Anime Expo together in the summer, in L.A. as Seishirou and Subaru from Tokyo Babylon, and Genjo Sanzo and Nii Sanzo from Saiyuki. I've given up on going to Florida cons. Maybe I will try AFO at one point. I just get too stressed out at Metrocon and Jacon, and don't enjoy myself. I've already started working on our costumes, and they are coming out marvelous.

I got very sick when I got home though. I was diagnosed with cellulitis, and it had gotten to the point where it was slowly poisoning and killing my body. After a month of hospital visits and medicine, I finally started to get better. Even now I till am not 100%, but I'm not suffering anymore and have been back to work full time.

My grandmother died recently and actually I am waiting to go to her funeral in the morning. I am not very emotional about it, but it has made me re-evaluate a few points of my life.

Progress shot of my Seishirou:

Only need the brown and blind contacts, which I'm actually investing in this year. Cosplay always has and always will make me happy. I'm actually straight out sewing and molding kimons and armor this year. Improving, bit by bit.

Is that good for you journal? Oh, art? I keep up with it now and then.

Thats it for now. I'll try to visit with you more journal. You're not such a bad blog :3
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