I've had better years, I really have. On the other hand I don't believe I've ever had a year where so much has changed internally. Change for me has always been a pronounced thing yet usually creeps up and integrates itself in stages. This has not been the case for 2009. I've changed. I know I've changed and it's a change which has left a somewhat bitter taste in my mouth. However I know and believe that it's a change that will be good for me in the long run.
A little more than 15 months ago I was in a bad place, a really bad place. My life was a little off centre and I have no-one to blame but myself. However, thanks to the help, support and love of my family and friends I managed to pull myself together, restart my degree and reset my sights on the future. That was my mood going into 2009, a mix of gratitude and optimism. That it soured so quickly and so badly still makes me shudder with anger. Some of you whom I've confided to know what I'm talking about. Others can probably guess. I honestly think no good will come of giving names or providing details at this stage so I won't. I've gotten past the initial feelings of betrayal but the memory remains.
That changed me I believe. I think deep down I've become colder, a little less trusting. On the other hand I've become more resiliant to being hurt (I hope!) and far more importantly I've discovered just who my friends are and who I can trust. That I think is definitely worth the pain, to know who stands next to you when the dust clears. To those people (and you know who you are!) I offer my thanks, my love and my gratitude. I hope I can return the favour one day.
That relevation came late in 2009, a time of yet more change when the new freshers arrived. I believe change can be difficult yet should usually be welcomed and accepted. This change is definitely got me looking forward to getting to know them better! Change has also taken the form of employment, thanks to the insidious web of
mr_six! Thankyou sir! May your praises forever ring down from the heights of .... somewhere or another! (God, I'm waxing lyrical now).
So, to 2010. I've never made new year resolutions as that's a sort of commitment which I know I'll probably break. Instead I think I'll take it as it comes, month by month. I do however hope that all you lot profit by it as I hope we all will.
The very best of luck to us all!