Fic Meme: Doctor Swap!

Feb 27, 2011 19:58

Fairly simple idea for a fic meme for Doctor Who to answer two interesting questions - what would it be like if a particular Doctor had a companion or companions from another era? And what equally would it be like if the Doctor from one era had been in the place of an earlier or later Doctor in an adventure from their era? This is something I tried once in a series of fics called Doctor Who Classicifed over on Whofic, where I proceeded to take stories of the Ninth and Tenth Doctors and try applying them to Classic Series Doctor and Companion sets I felt suited the story. Only one was actually completed - making The Christmas Invasion a UNIT Era Third Doctor story - but it is a fun prospect to try and I figured people might be interesting in a shortened writing exercise if they feel they're up !

To the challenge - The Fic Meme for Doctor Swap works like this:
  1. Pick any incarnation of the Doctor - your favourite, the one you feel most comfortable writing for or maybe the least for a challenge!
  2. Now pick a Companion of the Doctor, male or female. This companion has to be from a different era of the show to the Doctor you have picked from, and that includes any who may have travelled with him in more than one incarnation - so you cannot pick the Tenth Doctor and then Rose Tyler on account of the fact she travelled with the Ninth Doctor too. Ten and Amy or Six and Rose would be ok then. So a Doctor from one era and a Companion from another.
  3. If you wish to you may add a second Companion, or even a third if you like! Again they must be from another era of Who, so that INCLUDES that of the first Companion! You can't have both Ian and Barbara or Rory and Amy, but you could have Ian and Amy so long as the Doctor isn't the First or Eleventh Doctors. You can have the multiple companions be of either the same or opposite sexes, it's up to you. If you want to throw some cross era romance between Doctors or companions, be my guest!
  4. If you find it difficult as someone who has watched only the New Series to pick eras you're comfortable writing, you may wish to take a main character from any of the Spin Off shows - Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures (so long as you're not pairing Sarah with Three and Four or Jack with Nine and Ten!) or K9. If you really want to you can even pick someone you would have liked to have seen as a companion such as Lynda, Lady Christina or Ray, so long as you don't put them with the Doctor they encountered (and you explain briefly where they're from). Different eras of Who is the key here.
  5. Now, here comes the extra challenge and a bit of poster participation! You need to stick below your entries for Doctor and companion in your post all the various eras of Who you're comfortable writing for. Feel free to stick down ones which your Doctor and companions are from, I'm not that cruel. If you also want to include Torchwood, K9 and Sarah Jane Adventures down there go ahead.
  6. Now at this stage you wait for a fellow poster to reply. That fellow poster has to pick a TV story of Doctor Who (or the spin-offs if they have been mentioned) from an era the writer has wrote to be comfortable writing for and posts it down. If you're don't know the name of a story or stories from any given era; be sure to check Wikipedia or something. The writer then in however long they wish posts a reply with a 500-min word scene of their choice from that story, but redone to feature that Doctor and his companion(s). The important factor to remember then is that each Doctor and most companions behave differently to others, so the point is to show how the scene changes with different characters.
  7. If you find the story picked too difficult to adapt with the Doctor/Companions picked (perhaps it is one from a Doctor you know but not a particular period that well, so say you had Four's as an option and you knew the Four/Sarah Jane period well but not say Romana I and Adric and you had 'Warrior's Gate' as your prompt) you may veto for another prompt a max of two times, picking of the three the one you feel best at.)
As an example: Say I pick the First Doctor, with Leela and Mickey Smith as his companions (note these are from different eras of Who, both from each other and the Doctor used) and on the post I type the following:

Doctor: One
Companion(s):Leela, Mickey
Eras Able to Write: Any Classic Series era except Six and Eight's, Any New Series era, Sarah Jane Adventures.

Now the poster below me has the option of picking any story of Doctor from the ones I mentioned or from the Sarah Jane series if they liked - they could have 'An Unearthly Child', 'Warriors of the Deep', 'The Idiot's Lantern' or 'Revenge of the Slitheen', but not 'Attack of the Cybermen', The TV Movie or 'They Keep Killing Suzie' (from Torchwood). So say they give me 'Genesis of the Daleks' as a prompt - I now have to pick any scene from that story I wish and adapt it to feature the First Doctor, Leela and Mickey.

And that's it! Have fun with this fic meme if you fancy trying it! If you have any queries or questions also stick them up as a post below.

To start the ball rolling, here my own entry - feel free to post a episode option for this example and I'll stick a fic up in the same way at some point. As you can see I'm curious in trying an all Scottish TARDIS crew:

Doctor: Seven
Companion(s):Jamie, Amy
Eras Able to Write: Any Classic Series or New Series Era, Torchwood


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