My Halloween Costume.

Oct 30, 2011 18:50

My Halloween costume this year was an anthropomorphic steampunk TARDIS, based very loosely on Neil Gaiman's The Doctor's Wife.
Granted, it was basically an excuse to make this Simplicity pattern and take advantage of my only chance to do some Doctor Who cosplay.
Although no one had a clue as to what I was, my costume totally rocked. By far the best thing I've ever sewn.

"This is, well, she's my TARDIS. Except she's a woman.
She's a woman and she's my TARDIS…"
"Did you wish really hard?"

"It’s camouflaged. It’s disguised as a police telephone box from 1963. Every time the TARDIS materializes in a new location, within the first nanosecond of landing, it analyses its surroundings, calculates a twelve-dimensional data map of everything within a thousand-mile radius, and then determines which outer shell would best blend in with the environment. And then it disguises itself as a police telephone box from 1963."

the tardis, clothes and cosplay

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