Classic Who Meta: tragic vs optimistic companion fates

Dec 16, 2012 20:14

(Delayed post is delayed. Sorry, it was finals week!) =(

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Comments 8

jotc January 3 2013, 00:18:27 UTC
I think the biggest way in which the Doctor mistreats his companions is that he doesn't tell them what they're getting into. (I'm new and have only seen New Who, and am up to the beginning of Amy and Rory's time.) With Rose, Martha, and Donna, he never really warns them of the amount of risk they're going to take. Often, there's so much at stake, and he does seem to need help... I don't think he's wrong to look for it. But I think he should warn them more ( ... )


slavic_beastie March 21 2013, 16:49:58 UTC
I disagree on the Doctor not warning New!Who companions. Their first introduction to Doctor is rife with mortal danger and risk :eps Rose, Smith & Jones and Runaway Bride. Even if the Doctor didn't say anything they should be supremely stupid not to realise that life with the Doctor is dangerous. But Doctor warned them explicitly too, especially Rose:

(in ep Rose)

Rose Tyler: Is it always this dangerous?
The Doctor: Yeah.

also Clive warns her before

Clive Finch: The Doctor is a legend woven throughout history. When disaster comes he's there. He brings a storm in his wake and he has only one constant companion.
Rose Tyler: Who's that?
Clive Finch: Death.

and she accepts it

Rose Tyler: I'm not going on about him, Mickey, really, I'm not, because, I know it sounds daft, but... I don't think he's safe. He's dangerous.

And even when she decides that adventure and Doctor are worth the risk he asks her again in End of the World-

The Doctor: You've seen how dangerous it is - do you wanna go home ( ... )


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