Of course, I'm a bit confused about what day it is at the moment, and I had this planned for yesterday. Apologies.
Our first theme is:
The Daleks.
The Doctor, Cybermen, the TARDIS, any companions etc. can also be in the icon, but it is not necessary.
Useful links:
BBC New Series Gallery-
BBC Classic Series Gallery [-] Icons must be new icons made especially for this challenge
[-] Only one icon per entrant
[-] Brushes, textures, gradients, and stock images are allowed for this challenge. You can blend the images (and use high resolution versions if you have them)
[-] No animation this round
[-] Icons must fit LJ's requirements: 40KB and 100x100 pixels. Icons that are larger will not be included, and you will be asked to resubmit.
[-] Entries are to be posted here in a comment, and they must include both the image and the url, for example:
http://img455.imageshack.us/img455/3994/logo8cw.gif[-] All entries are screened.
[-] Do not post your icons anywhere until the round is over - otherwise the entry will not count.
Good luck everyone, and happy iconning!
Icons are due by Saturday, November 11th at 12PM GMT (that's midday in the UK).
PS: Don't forget that sign-ups will remain open until voting for this round starts, so if you haven't signed-up yet, read
the rules and
sign up.