20 Years ago...
1. I was 4 months old
2. we were living in a house that we could not fit in.
3. I was the baby of a family of 6, the last child.
15 years ago I...
1. Was 5
2. We moved into the dilapidated home where I would live for 11 or so years
3. I was starting school, it was fun.
10 years ago I...
1. Was 10, it was a few months after my golden birthday, that no one cared for
2. I decided I would be an artist
3. I got my first tampon from the school during that damn 4 grade girl’s only thing where they told me about my ovaries with a diagram made of pancakes
5 years ago I...
1. Was in my second year of high school
2. Started to fall in love with music, going to lots of concerts
3. Knew something would become of me by getting second place in showcase, I didn’t even know I was entered.
3 years ago I...
1. Started college
2. Learned lots of new things about myself and others, good and bad.
3. hated the foundation classes of art I had to take.
1 year ago I...
1. was 19
2. Started to go to Canada a lot, and drink more.
3. thought I knew people, but I then learned.
So far this year I...
1. had the best damn summer.
2. went through hell which is why it was the best damn summer, I now understand. Ha, I thought I was through hell when I was a freshman, but no things do get worse when someone dies. "Not until you loose everything and hit rock bottom can you understand."
3. Know what I want to do with my life- animate and write books.
4. Lost a very good friend, almost a father. I will miss going home this winter and not having him ask me how I am doing at school or telling me about his new fish.
Yesterday I...
1. Went to work, Adam bout me an omelet and I gave him a cigarette.
2. might have went to see Pink Floyds lazar show with him if I got the nerve to ask him, that and if I wasn’t going home Friday.
3. Watched a fucking funny show called "super milk Chan" I think that is what it was.
Today I...
1. had a critique, everyone liked it. I think I might do more sculpture.
2. Talked with Liz, can’t wait to see her.
3. took a shower, listened to a good cd.
4. Will do my homework; talk about god see what he is all about.
5. watch a movie at Jefferson Commons, drink coffee and talk with Mike about moving in.
Tomorrow I...
1. will be happy it is all over.
2. will hand in my extra credit for 2 classes.
3. turn in my final paper.
4. will drive home, and smoke a bit of pizza pie- or salvia.
In 3 days I ...
1. Will understand things more clearly, hopefully.
2. Will get to see my family, I miss them- all of them.
3. Will be very thankful
In a year I...
1. Will know more about animation.
2. Will hopefully find the man of my dreams.
3. Will be finishing college.
In 5 years I...
1. Will no be living in Michigan.
2. Will be an intern, or maybe going to grad school
3. Hope the revolution has happened or is happening.
In 20 years I...
1. Hope to have my life goal in process or happened.
2. Hope to have bliss.
3. Hope to not die slowly.
is what happens when I have no time to waste, I waste it.