I can't sleep. Apparently my body no longer appreciates personal space, because on the odd chance Chris isn't around it just goes stupid. I can't stop coughing, I can't get comfortable, I hear too many noises, and I feel like driving over there right now and sleeping in his goddamn bed. But I think he's out still.
Fuck. I just woke up coughing half to death. Seriously I couldn't stop and it hurts so bad. So I took 800 mg of advil for my sore throat and made some tea and put on some Atmosphere. I want to go back to sleep.
A few years ago an ex girl of mine asked me to keep her name out my rhymes
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Step 1: Open your MP3/media player. Step 2: Put all of your music on random. Step 3: Write down the first fifteen songs it plays, no matter how embarrassing.
God. I am so sick. I've been sick for like 3 weeks. It comes and goes. My throat is killing me. I don't want to work tomorrow. I just want to lay around and watch tv.
Well, my keyboard is broken. Cordless piece of shit. So I'm using, quite possibly, the nastiest keyboard in the world. It's filthy and just...yuck
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So let's say this is my new journal. Well for now. I'm trying to decide if it's even worth it. I mean, everyone seems to track me down anyway. I'm tired of keeping things friends only. I'm also tired of trying to keep things private for fear of hurting people's feelings. Or for the fact that those same people just won't go away. My life is really
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