This drabble is for the SPN100 Challenge #24: Moving.
Title: Nothing Else Matters
Challenge: SPN100 #24 Moving
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I'm don't own the boys, I'm just stalking them for a while.
Summary: Moving. He has to keep moving.
Nothing Else Matters
Moving. He has to keep moving. The pain doesn’t matter. The horror doesn’t matter. All that matters is that he keeps moving.
He puts a hand on the wall, holding himself upright as he falls down the stairs in a long, sustained stumble. The world is getting darker. It closes in on him from every corner. Behind him, he can still hear her burning.
But it doesn’t matter. He can’t let it matter.
Just ahead, the front door hangs ajar on its hinges. In the yard beyond stands everything that still matters.
Daddy’s little man.
He has to keep moving.