This is a thing of awesome beauty. *g* And I'm glad you did it, because the charts of titles I found before were...sorta confusing. This is very helpful for finding what I'm in the (specific) mood to read. And will help me catch up on what I've missed!
Happy to be of service - with one of the very few LJ tricks I seem to have figured out.
Hello there - thanks for doing this, such an easy way to go back and re-read your fics, yay! Just to let you know though that the link to My Hero goes through to Accountability.
You betchya. Glad to do it. I was (mis)using memories to catalog my fics and it was making even ME nuts when I was trying to find things. And I know, more or less, where I stashed them.
Thanks for letting me know about the wonky link. I'll fix it ASAP.
Huh. *grumpy, grumpy, grumpy* I tried to send you my response via email, but it wouldn't let me. Harumph. *kicks lj in the email protocols*
So anyways ...
Absolutely. Will do. I'll unlock it later tonight and lock it up again on Saturday or Sunday. If you want to drop me an email to let me know you've finished, that would be great and make sure I don't accidentally lock you out again if life interferes and throws you behind schedule (that being the way life so often is ... da bitch).
Look foward to your thoughts. I'm glad you're enjoying perusing the list. Writing all this stuff is great fun, but as you can imagine, it's more fun to share it with others and hear their reactions.
It hasn't been abandoned. The writers just went on strike for shorter hours, better pay, and internet residuals. But I hear the studios folded like a cheap suit in the end, so the writers are back at their laptops, busily tip-tapping away, and should have it finished sometime shortly after Skin Deep is in the can.
Comments 65
Happy to be of service - with one of the very few LJ tricks I seem to have figured out.
No really, that's awesome! :D
Thanks for letting me know about the wonky link. I'll fix it ASAP.
So anyways ...
Absolutely. Will do. I'll unlock it later tonight and lock it up again on Saturday or Sunday. If you want to drop me an email to let me know you've finished, that would be great and make sure I don't accidentally lock you out again if life interferes and throws you behind schedule (that being the way life so often is ... da bitch).
Look foward to your thoughts. I'm glad you're enjoying perusing the list. Writing all this stuff is great fun, but as you can imagine, it's more fun to share it with others and hear their reactions.
Or so I hear, at least. ;)
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